Hi Forum!
I have 4 models called 'hr.employees', 'hr.employee.yearly.holidays', 'hr.holidays', 'hr.holidays.status'.
In 'hr.employee' I have a field called: "yearly_holidays_ids = fields.One2many('hr.employee.yearly.holidays')"
and the 'hr.employee.yearly.holidays' model I have a field called "holidays_ids = fields.Many2many('hr.holidays')"
In 'hr.holidays' I have a field called: "holiday_status_id = fields.Many2one('hr.holidays.status')"
In 'hr.holidays.status' model I have a field called "name" I want to acces it from hr.employee model how can i get the “name” field of the hr.holiday.status model to the hr.employee model?
Thank you for your help! Regards, Steven