Odoo 13.0+e (Enterprise Edition) hosted on Odoo.sh
I was running JS Tests on one of my sites hosted on Odoo\.sh and\ going\ through\ the\ failed\ tests\ and\ need\ someone\ to\ explain\ something\ to\ me\.
Two\ of\ the\ tests\ that\ failed\ were:
core\ >\ Time\ utils:\ Parse\ server\ date\ on\ 31\
core\ >\ Time\ utils:\ Format\ server\ date
Screenshot: https://postimg\.cc/w13FSbJ5
As\ far\ as\ I\ can\ tell,\ these\ are\ simple\ tests\ of\ the\ server's\ date\ functions\.\ How\ can\ they\ be\ failing\?\ Is\ there\ ANYTHING\ that\ I\ could've\ possibly\ done\ to\ have\ caused\ this\?\ Being\ that\ this\ is\ Odoo.sh's servers, I can't think of what I could've done.