That view for child contact is available inside contact form itself. So if you start developer mode and go to edit form view you will find that view inside main contact form.
<form string="Contact / Address">
<!-- parent_id and type fields needed in attrs in base_address_city module which overwrites
_fields_view_get() of partner. It would be better to put those fields there but the web client
dosen't support when a field is displayed several times in the same view.-->
<field name="type" required="1" widget="radio" options="{'horizontal': true}"/>
<field name="parent_id" invisible="1"/>
<group attrs="{'invisible': [('type','=', 'contact')]}">
<label for="street" string="Address"/>
<div class="o_address_format" name="div_address">
<field name="street" placeholder="Street..." class="o_address_street"/>
<field name="street2" placeholder="Street 2..." class="o_address_street"/>
<field name="city" placeholder="City" class="o_address_city"/>
<field name="state_id" class="o_address_state" placeholder="State" options="{"no_open": True}" context="{'country_id': country_id, 'zip': zip}"/>
<field name="zip" placeholder="ZIP" class="o_address_zip"/>
<field name="country_id" placeholder="Country" class="o_address_country" options="{"no_open": True, "no_create": True}"/>
<field name="name" string="Contact Name" attrs="{'required' : [('type', '=', 'contact')]}"/>
<field name="title" placeholder="e.g. Mr." attrs="{'invisible': [('type','!=', 'contact')]}"/>
<field name="function" placeholder="e.g. Sales Director" attrs="{'invisible': [('type','!=', 'contact')]}"/>
<field name="email"/>
<field name="phone" widget="phone"/>
<field name="mobile" widget="phone"/>
<field name="comment" placeholder="internal note..."/>
<field name="supplier" invisible="True"/>
<field name="customer" invisible="True"/>
<field name="lang" invisible="True"/>
<field name="image" invisible="True"/>
<field name="user_id" invisible="True"/>
Mustufa Rangwala (Probuse)