This is the function which defines name for purchase order form, you can edit original code or overridethis function:
@api.depends('name', 'partner_ref')
def name_get(self):
result = []
for po in self:
name = po.name
if po.partner_ref:
name += ' ('+po.partner_ref+')'
if po.amount_total:
name += ': ' + formatLang(self.env, po.amount_total, currency_obj=po.currency_id)
result.append((po.id, name))
return result
This is available in addons/ purchase/ models/ purchase.py
If you don't want the amount you can delete these two lines
if po.amount_total:
name += ': ' + formatLang(self.env, po.amount_total, currency_obj=po.currency_id)
i.e, your final code should look like:
@api.depends('name', 'partner_ref')
def name_get(self):
result = []
for po in self:
name = po.name
if po.partner_ref:
name += ' ('+po.partner_ref+')'
result.append((po.id, name))
return result
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