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As the title describes, I would like to filter out or delete inventory adjustments for archived products. It seems like Odoo should have a better method of showing you which products are no longer in use. Are there any workarounds for this? 

Best Answer

You can hide archived products from inventory adjustment by adding ('','=',True) to the domain of server action which retrieve the inventory adjustment as below:

from odoo import _, api, fields, models

class StockQuant(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.quant'

def action_view_inventory(self):
""" Similar to _get_quants_action except specific for inventory adjustments (i.e. inventory counts). """
self = self._set_view_context()
ctx = dict(self.env.context or {})
ctx['no_at_date'] = True
if self.user_has_groups('stock.group_stock_user') and not self.user_has_groups('stock.group_stock_manager'):
ctx['search_default_my_count'] = True
action = {
'name': _('Inventory Adjustments'),
'view_mode': 'list',
'view_id': self.env.ref('stock.view_stock_quant_tree_inventory_editable').id,
'res_model': 'stock.quant',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'context': ctx,
'domain': [('location_id.usage', 'in', ['internal', 'transit']), ('', '=', True)],
'help': """
<p class="o_view_nocontent_smiling_face">
{} <span class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"/> {}</p>
""".format(_('Your stock is currently empty'),
_('Press the CREATE button to define quantity for each product in your stock or import them from a spreadsheet throughout Favorites'),
return action
