Sorry for my poor english i'm french ;-)
So.. I would like to hide fields based on curent user login.
I have some 10 employee and 10 users associate.
- i want that all users can see the 10 employee data but exept one (or more) field for exemple the field "phone"
- I want just the users login can modifiy is own employee data
I don't know how to do!!!
i try to put the condition this condition on the field but it doesn't work!
{'invisible': [('user_id','!=','user_id')]}
How can i give the user login and compare it to the related user of the employee?
i tried this but the result is : name 'uid' is not defined I'm on odoo 8, i think this work on openerp 6 but not now!!!!
I have a solution for you, let me write it
see my updated answer
The users can see all the fields of their own employee data? And they can see only limited fields of other employees, but can't modify. You need to have like this?