How do I hide fields in one2many's view?
I will explain my question:
I have created a new module that should add to each employee's card its list of children.
The module is inherited from hr.employees and contains two models:
* A new model (children) that creates the children's table when each child has several parameters and one of them is the parent's ID.
* Another model inherited from hr.employees that also contains a one2many field that is linked to the children's model.
So far everything is working fine, and I can view the fields I want from the model.
My problem is in creating a new child, a popup opens for me where I have to fill in all the child's data, and among them also select (in the dropdown) the parent.
I do not want to present this field, in particular that what is actually stored in DB is the employee for whom I created the child, regardless of the parent I chose.
How can I remove this field from view?
The pop-up view is something automatic, which I did not create but probably comes from the one2many setting, and of course I cannot remove the parent_id field from the model - this is the field that links it to the parent.
Is there a way to solve this?