I was trying to hide breadcrumbs on my_model.
First one:
<template id="assets_backend" name="my_model assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend" > <xpath expr="." position="inside"> <link rel='stylesheet' href="/my_model/static/src/css/style.css"/> </xpath> </template>
and css file:.breadcrumb > li { display: none !important; } .breadcrumb > .active { display: none !important; }
I hided breadcrumbs but for all apps not only for mine.
Another way I tried was from python code:
def my_order(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if order.state == 'approved':
self.create(cr, uid, data, context=context)
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'name': _('My Order'),
'res_model': 'purchase.request',
'res_id': data.get('order_id'),
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'target': 'current',
'clear_breadcrumbs': true,
'nodestroy': True, }
But in this way nothing happens. Does have the same problem? How do you solve it?
u can also hide by using js: https://learnopenerp.blogspot.com/2020/08/hide-breadcrumb-in-odoo.html