Hi, everyone, when I was using a third-party login integrated with odoo12, I encountered a problem that I could not jump to the main interface of odoo. Error 403 did not have permission to access resources. What should I do to get to the odoo main interface correctly?
Below is my part of the code:
def _do_post_login(self, user, redirect):
After all the verifications are completed and correct, the interface needs to jump to the main interface.
:param user: user-Object
:param redirect:
request.params['login_success'] = False
if request.httprequest.method == 'GET' and redirect and request.session.uid:
return http.redirect_with_hash(redirect)
if not request.uid:
request.uid = odoo.SUPERUSER_ID
values = request.params.copy()
values['databases'] = http.db_list()
except odoo.exceptions.AccessDenied:
values['databases'] = None
old_uid = request.uid
uid = request.session.authenticate(request.session.db, user.login, user.password)
if uid is not False:
request.params['login_success'] = True
if not redirect:
redirect = '/web'
return http.redirect_with_hash(redirect)
# return http.local_redirect(redirect)
request.uid = old_uid
return self._do_err_redirect("The user does not exist or the user information is incorrect. The login cannot be completed. Please contact the administrator.。")