I have the following model :
Teams are composed of users, and related to projects and sprints.
Sprints have a responsible (a user), teams and a parent project element.
Projects have teams and child sprint element.
What I want to do is :
filter the sprint team having only the one linked to the parent project
filter the users to have only those who are in a team linked to the project (or directly the sprint)
I think those two conditions are very similar and could be done with domain filter, so I tried something like :
class sprint
team_ids = fields.Many2many('my_module.team',domain=lambda self: [('project_ids', '=', self.project_id)])
And a lot of other syntax, using function or not, in python file or in view...
The best I can have when I don't juste have an error is a filter that doesn't apply (it display either all the team or none)
I hope someone can help me, I really don't have a clue what to try next.
Best regards