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3 Replies

How to add social media accounts in Odoo 16?

Best Answer


To add social media account there are two ways

One way is to activate Developer mode and go to Settings from there go to the User and Companies and Select Companies and select the Company You will see the option to add Social media as in the image.

Another way is to go to Website Module Click on the Edit button go to the bottom of the page and click on the Facebook icon as in the image

From here scroll down and you will see Social Media as in the image


Best Answer

Reply : To add social media accounts in Odoo 16, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the Contacts module.
2. Open a contact or create a new one for which you want to add social media accounts.
3. In the contact form view, click on the "Edit" button to enter edit mode.
4. Scroll down to the "Social Network" section.
5. In this section, you will find fields to enter social media account details such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Fill in the relevant account information.
6. You can click on the "+" button to add more social media accounts if needed.
7. Once you have entered the account details, click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

After saving the contact record with the social media accounts, you will be able to view and access these social media links in the contact's form view. The social media account links will be displayed as clickable icons, allowing you to directly access the associated profiles or pages.


Ksolves Team!
