How to group an ID of a table in different months, since currently when I group only join me in the pirmer month that I enter and not in the others. For example: An id called "Bank" is used in October and December but odoo only groups it to me in October since it was first used there and does not appear to me in both months. link image view odoo: \
code used:
<record id="proyecto_rc.account_view_search" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name"> </field> <field name="model">proyecto_rc.account</field> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <search string="String..."> <field name="date"/> <group expand="1" string="Group By"> <filter string="Month" name="month" help="help" context="{'group_by':'date:month'}"/> </group> </search> </field> </record>