e.g i have ordered (PO00001) 10 laptops (value per laptop 10 and total value 100) and than i have received them , again i have done ordered(PO0002) for 10 laptops and i have received them but i have returned 2 laptops from previous ordered (PO00001) previous ordered due to problem on them now when i will pay invoice i want to include them in invoice with return note no. (WH/OUT/001) in invoice to pay net amount in this case will be 80. this is very simple example for returning but i am using oodo for general store where return qty very high 50 , 60 item etc
can i recall quantity return in invoice by puting relation in oodo studio... please help how i can do this
only i want to know in studio mode of invoice how i can bring goods return field from where if i select it gives me returns and if i select all detail appear in the detail box
just like i select PO and all item appear, i am new i dont know how it works ,, learning