.py file
import xlwt from datetime import datetime from openerp.osv import orm from openerp.osv import osv from openerp.addons.report_xls.report_xls import report_xls from openerp.addons.report_xls.utils import rowcol_to_cell, _render #from openerp.addons.point_of_sale import pos_details from openerp.tools.translate import _ from openerp.report import report_sxw import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class export_excel_xls_parser(report_sxw.rml_parse): def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context): super(export_excel_xls_parser, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context) self.context = context wanted_list = excel_obj._report_xls_fields(cr, uid, context) template_changes = excel_obj._report_xls_template(cr, uid, context) self.localcontext.update({ 'datetime': datetime, 'wanted_list': wanted_list, 'template_changes': template_changes, }) class export_excel_xls(report_xls): def __init__(self, name, table, rml=False, parser=False, header=True, store=False): super(export_excel_xls, self).__init__( name, table, rml, parser, header, store) # Cell Styles _xs = self.xls_styles # header rh_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all'] self.rh_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format) self.rh_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['center']) self.rh_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['right']) # lines aml_cell_format = _xs['borders_all'] self.aml_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format) self.aml_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf( aml_cell_format + _xs['center']) self.aml_cell_style_date = xlwt.easyxf( aml_cell_format + _xs['left'], num_format_str=report_xls.date_format) self.aml_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf( aml_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str=report_xls.decimal_format) # totals rt_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all'] self.rt_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format) self.rt_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format + _xs['right']) self.rt_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf( rt_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str=report_xls.decimal_format) def _excel_title(self, o, ws, _p, row_pos, _xs): cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['xls_title']) report_name = (10 * ' ').join([ _p.company.name, _p.title(o)[0], _p.title(o)[1], _p._("excel Overview") + ' - ' + _p.company.currency_id.name, ]) c_specs = [ ('report_name', 1, 0, 'text', report_name), ] row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs]) row_pos = self.xls_write_row( ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=cell_style) return row_pos + 1 def _excel_lines(self, o, ws, _p, row_pos, _xs): wanted_list = self.wanted_list debit_pos = self.debit_pos credit_pos = self.credit_pos # Column headers c_specs = map(lambda x: self.render( x, self.col_specs_lines_template, 'header', render_space={'_': _p._}), wanted_list) row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs]) row_pos = self.xls_write_row( ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=self.rh_cell_style, set_column_size=True) ws.set_horz_split_pos(row_pos) # export move lines aml_start_pos = row_pos aml_cnt = len(_p.lines(o)) cnt = 0 for l in _p.lines(o): cnt += 1 debit_cell = rowcol_to_cell(row_pos, debit_pos) credit_cell = rowcol_to_cell(row_pos, credit_pos) bal_formula = debit_cell + '-' + credit_cell _logger.debug('dummy call - %s', bal_formula) c_specs = map( lambda x: self.render(x, self.col_specs_lines_template, 'lines'), wanted_list) row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs]) row_pos = self.xls_write_row( ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=self.aml_cell_style) if l['draw_line'] and cnt != aml_cnt: row_pos += 1 def _excel_vat_summary(self, o, ws, _p, row_pos, _xs): if not _p.tax_codes(o): return row_pos title_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['bold']) c_specs = [('summary_title', 1, 0, 'text', _p._("VAT Declaration"))] row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs]) row_pos = self.xls_write_row( ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=title_cell_style) + 1 wanted_list = self.wanted_list vat_summary_wanted_list = ['tax_case_name', 'tax_code', 'tax_amount'] # calculate col_span cols_number = len(wanted_list) vat_summary_cols_number = len(vat_summary_wanted_list) if vat_summary_cols_number > cols_number: raise orm.except_orm( _('Programming Error!'), _("vat_summary_cols_number should be < cols_number !")) index = 0 for i in range(vat_summary_cols_number): col = vat_summary_wanted_list[i] col_size = self.col_specs_lines_template[ wanted_list[index]]['header'][1] templ_col_size = self.col_specs_vat_summary_template[ col]['header'][1] # _logger.warn("col=%s, col_size=%s, templ_col_size=%s", # col, col_size, templ_col_size) col_span = 1 if templ_col_size > col_size: new_size = col_size while templ_col_size > new_size: col_span += 1 index += 1 new_size += self.col_specs_lines_template[ wanted_list[index]]['header'][1] self.col_specs_vat_summary_template[col]['header'][0] = col_span self.col_specs_vat_summary_template[ col]['tax_totals'][0] = col_span index += 1 c_specs = map(lambda x: self.render( x, self.col_specs_vat_summary_template, 'header'), vat_summary_wanted_list) row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs]) row_pos = self.xls_write_row( ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=self.rh_cell_style) for t in _p.tax_codes(o): c_specs = map(lambda x: self.render( x, self.col_specs_vat_summary_template, 'tax_totals'), vat_summary_wanted_list) row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs]) row_pos = self.xls_write_row( ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=self.aml_cell_style) return row_pos def generate_xls_report(self, _p, _xs, data, objects, wb): wanted_list = _p.wanted_list if _p.display_currency: wanted_list += ['amount_currency', 'currency_name'] self.wanted_list = wanted_list self.col_specs_lines_template.update(_p.template_changes) self.debit_pos = 'debit' in wanted_list and wanted_list.index('debit') self.credit_pos = 'credit' in wanted_list and wanted_list.index( 'credit') if not (self.credit_pos and self.debit_pos) and 'balance' \ in wanted_list: raise orm.except_orm(_('Customisation Error!'), _("The 'Balance' field is a calculated XLS \ field requiring the presence of the \ 'Debit' and 'Credit' fields !")) for o in objects: sheet_name = ' - '.join([o[1].code, o[0].code] )[:31].replace('/', '-') sheet_name = sheet_name[:31].replace('/', '-') ws = wb.add_sheet(sheet_name) ws.panes_frozen = True ws.remove_splits = True ws.portrait = 0 # Landscape ws.fit_width_to_pages = 1 row_pos = 0 # set print header/footer ws.header_str = self.xls_headers['standard'] ws.footer_str = self.xls_footers['standard'] # Data row_pos = self._excel_title(o, ws, _p, row_pos, _xs) row_pos = self._excel_lines(o, ws, _p, row_pos, _xs) row_pos = self._excel_vat_summary(o, ws, _p, row_pos, _xs) export_excel_xls('report.nov.export.excel.xls', 'export.excel.period', parser=export_excel_xls_parser) |
why i got this error?
global name 'pooler' is not defined
<type 'exceptions.NameError'>,global name 'pooler' is not defined,<traceback object at 0x7f1e88393cb0>
p/s : i have edit this question
i have update n edit the question.. can anyone help me?