I have a custom module in which i want to import some of the updated data but getting an error
Unknown error during import: : 'field1' at row 2 Resolve other errors first
I am getting this error in some of the fields not all.
Below are the type and description and parameters of the field in which i am getting this error:-
field1 = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="ab", string="Field1", required=False, ) field2 = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="bc", string="Field2", required=False, ) field3 = fields.Char('Field3', size=30, required=True) field4 = fields.Char('Field4', size=30) field5 = fields.Char('Field5', size=30, required=True)After including these fields in export and import resolves this issue but if i remove any of the fields in export and import of data gives this issue again. Why is this happening?
Is this error related to migration or something else i am missing? Do anyone have any idea how to solve this issue?