I have 3 classes. How can i access the title from model.a from the model.c?
class A(models.Model)
_name= 'mode.a'
title = fields.Text()
b_ids = fields.One2many('model.b', 'a_ids')
class B(models.Model)
_name= 'model.b'
a_id = fields.Many2one('model.a')
c_ids = fields.One2Many('mode.c','b_id')
class C(models.Model)
_name = 'model.c'
b_id = fields.Many2one('model.b')
Have you tried this? `self.b_id.a_id.title`
yes I have. but could not get the value.
it works as you said Kabeer, but the problem is that, I can see the title in the form view. After saving the title appears. is there any solutions?