I have a custom module and I have created a model and its view. I have an excel sheet that contains employees' work phones. I want when I import this excel sheet to get data of employees by matching the work phone in the sheet and the work phone in the hr.employee model. when I create a record manually by entering a work phone I get the data after I click on the save button, but when I import it I get nothing. I have created on change method for that here is my code:
class BillBill(models.Model): _name = "bill.bill" _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin'] employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string='Employee', help="Employee") work_phone = fields.Char(string='work_phone') @api.onchange('work_phone') def _onchange_work_phone(self): employee_rec = self.env['hr.employee'] if self.work_phone: employee = employee_rec.search([('work_phone', '=', self.work_phone)]) if not employee: raise UserError(_("No Employee by this Phone.")) else: self.employee_id = employee.id
thank you very much you made my day