We are trying to add ad a reward to our employees for properly measuring tasks timesheets, but we are completely lost. The objetive is to give a reward to each user who measures at least 120 hours in timesheets per month, in this moment the only we can achieve is to sum total hours assigned by all users from all the time, not individually (per user) or monthly segmentation
This is what we did with the result of sum all hours ever of all users:
Create a new challenge
Computation mode: Automatic, sum of a field
Model: Task
Field to sum: Total Hours (report.project.task.user) ... probably not needed field
Date field: Tried different dates with no result, totally lost here
Filter domain: No idea what is it
We are not developers, just advanced users with little notions of coding to change views etc
Can someone help us to get a goal that counts total hours per month assigned to a timesheet per user?