I use the odoo version 9.0C, and i have a problem.
The forecasted quantity normally is equal at the on hand quantity, but when i create a new purchase order, and confirm trhe purchase order, the forecasted quantity is set negative.
Example, i have 0 on hand quantity of a product, if i create a purchase order of 10 pieces, and i confirm the purchase order of 10 pieces , the forecasted quantity is set at -10.
Another example: i have 3 on hand quantity of a product, if i create a purchase order di 10 pieces, and i confirm the purchase order of 10 pieces, the forecasted quantity is set at -7.
I read that in case of purchase order, the forecasted quantity it should become set positive, and no negative.
Can you help me.
Please check your incoming shipment source and destination location. forecast qty will be negative only when your stock move source location is internal and destination location is vertual.
Thanks for your answers.
I don't have a manufacturer order for this product, but the forecasted quantity is negative, because i have create a purchase order.
The forecasted quantity is set negative, when i create a purchase order.
The source location is Partner location and the destination location is physical location.
I' dont't have product in exit, but the forecasted quantity is negative.
Did I miss the location?
Thanks for your help