I created a simple report with float numbers which are calculated beforehand in this simple method:
def onchange_value(self, cr, uid, ids, c1 = 0.0, c2 = 0.00, c3 = 0.0, c4 = 0.0, c5 = 0.0, c6 = 0.0, c7 = 0.0, c8 = 0.0, c9 = 0.0, c10 = 0.0, context = None):
cx = (c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 + c5 + c6 + c7 + c8 + c9) * 1.19
c10 = round(cx, 2)
return {'value': { 'c10': c10 }}
the numbers aredeclared in this manner:
'c1': fields.float(string="Betrag 1"),
'c2': fields.float(string="Betrag 2"),
'c3': fields.float(string="Betrag 3"),
and added to the report in this manner:
<div class="col-xs-2"> <p t-field="o.c1" /> </div>
<div class="col-xs-2"> <p t-field="o.c2" /> </div>
<div class="col-xs-2"> <p t-field="o.c3" /> </div>
What I try to do and actually have no idea how, is:
Having a comma as a decimal sepataor instead of the dot and the trailing zero need to be displayed.
Any help is much appreciated.