Hello Odoo community,
I'm making a custom module to manage access to building.
When granting access the user can select many partners. Once done, he can log departure for one or all of them.
For this purpose i created a model :
Access Model :
parter_ids = One2many(comodel_name="res.partner",inverse_name="Access_id")
departed_partner_ids One2many(comodel_name="res.partner",inverse_name="Access_id")
def get_log_departure_view(self) :
So, the departure view is triggered by a button in the xml view, i tried something like :
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags" readonly="1"/>
<field name="departed_partner_ids"
domain="[('id', 'in',partner_ids)]"
options="{'no_create': True}"
but this does not work, i have the following error : not all arguments converted during string formatting
I think that's because partner_ids/partner_ids.id is substituted to something like "[ID,?,[ID1,ID2..]]"
Any idea, suggestion or solution for what I'm trying to achieve would be a great help :)
Thank you.