I'm trying to create a geneic filter (for all users) to allow users to see the meetings in the calendar where they are included as attendees. I'm trying something like this:
but when using the filter I receive the error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined http ://sv-openerp-test/web/static/src/js/views.js:791
Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks in advance!
NOTES: As far as I see the relationship between the meeting and the partners is "partner_ids" (instead of "attendee_ids"). The existing filter "My Meetings" shows the ones where I'm the creator of the meeting, but does not show the ones where I'm invited.
Search view:
View Name: CRM - Meetings Search
View Type: Search
Object: crm.meeting
External ID: base_calendar.view_crm_meeting_search
Sequence: 16
<search string="Search Meetings"> <field name="name" string="Meeting" filter_domain="[('name','ilike',self)]"/> <field name="partner_ids"/> <field name="categ_ids"/> <field name="user_id"/> <separator/> <filter string="My Meetings" help="My Meetings" domain="[('user_id','=',uid)]"/> <filter string="Unread Messages" name="message_unread" domain="[('message_unread','=',True)]"/> </search>
Additional comment: I'm trying to do this via settings->technical->user interface->user-defined filters