I am trying to create an invoice from the external API. Only I am not able to retrieve the correct list of fields that I must fill in to achieve it.
After several tests, I had very exotic results but the only way to succeed was to resume the list of fields sent between the Odoo client and the server.
In order to make my code lighter and more compatible, is there sorting logic on the fields that fields_get returns to achieve this?
'Required' is not good and leaving everything is not good either.
Thank you in advance and have a very good day
EDIT : I work on a V13
invoice_field = self.models.execute_kw( self.db, self.uid, self.password, 'account.move', 'fields_get',
'attributes': [],
'context': {'allowed_company_ids':[self.company_id] , 'default_type': "in_invoice", 'default_is_company': True, 'uid': self.uid, 'default_currency_id': False, 'default_partner_id': partner_id, "tz": "Europe/Zurich", "lang": "fr_CH"}}
for name, field in invoice_field.items():
if field['required']:invoice[name] = False