How to add Time field in modles database in odoo 15?
In views
field name="time" widget="float_time"/>
In Py
time = fields.Float('Time')
This method is not working as when you try to record time format such 10:50, invalid error message shows. in order to save the window after editing i have to record time format in float like 10.50 but when saving, it appears in the report 10:39 in time format.
another problem when i import excel sheet consisting of times, it show me an error that i can not import
Hi, I tried here with 10:50 as input and I could not produce the error. It is working in my end. Can you please send the error message when you try with 10:50 format input?
invalid fields with red block around the field....and enable to save until i change the 10:50 time format to 10.50 as float which result in 10:39 in report