How can i have a filed like sales_count on product.product that showing sales on last 180 days and 90 days ago instead of 365 days ago ?
thank you in advance
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How can i have a filed like sales_count on product.product that showing sales on last 180 days and 90 days ago instead of 365 days ago ?
thank you in advance
Hi Kamran,
You can start by creating a new smart button in the product, for that, I suggest you extend the xml of the product.
Here is the standard xml that creates the standard button (365 days) you can use it as a base to create your own button:
model="ir.ui.view" id="product_form_view_sale_order_button">
name="inherit_id" ref="product.product_normal_form_view"/>
name="groups_id" eval="[(4, ref('sales_team.group_sale_salesman'))]"/>
name="arch" type="xml">
name="button_box" position="inside">
name="description" position="after">
string="Warning when Selling this Product" groups="sale.group_warning_sale">
name="sale_line_warn" nolabel="1"/>
name="sale_line_warn_msg" colspan="3" nolabel="1"
** of course you must create also your own custom field sales_count and calculate it using a compute function
Then you just need to create a new action in the product by extending the py of the product.
Here is the standard action to open the sales of the last 365 days:
def action_view_sales(self):
action = self.env.ref('sale.report_all_channels_sales_action').read()[0]
action['domain'] = [('product_id', 'in', self.ids)]
action['context'] = {
'pivot_measures': ['product_uom_qty'],
'active_id': self._context.get('active_id'),
'search_default_Sales': 1,
'active_model': 'sale.report',
'time_ranges': {'field': 'date', 'range': 'last_365_days'},
return action
Here is the tricky part: if you don't calculate the domain in python you must create a new filter in the search portion of the xml, so then you can call this new filter in the action by passing its name by context.
Hope it helps you to get started.
Hi Alexander
Thank you for your reply unfortunately I’m not that much technical i was wondering if you make it a little more clear
Hi Kamran, I've included more details in the answer, hope that helps in giving you a better direction.
Thank you 🙏
Can i have the code for compute custom filed ? And one more thing can i use server action instead of extend py code ? If yes please kindly describe it a little more
Thank you in advance
Hi Kamran,
Here is the code for the field:
sales_count = fields.Float(compute='_compute_sales_count', string='Sold')
def _compute_sales_count(self):
r = {}
self.sales_count = 0
if not self.user_has_groups('sales_team.group_sale_salesman'):
return r
date_from = fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.datetime.combine(fields.datetime.now() - timedelta(days=365),
done_states = self.env['sale.report']._get_done_states()
domain = [
('state', 'in', done_states),
('product_id', 'in', self.ids),
('date', '>=', date_from),
for group in self.env['sale.report'].read_group(domain, ['product_id', 'product_uom_qty'], ['product_id']):
r[group['product_id'][0]] = group['product_uom_qty']
for product in self:
if not product.id:
product.sales_count = 0.0
product.sales_count = float_round(r.get(product.id, 0), precision_rounding=product.uom_id.rounding)
return r
If you are still having problems modifying this I suggest you get started with the tutorials on the Odoo website.
in product.template
sales_count_custom = fields.Float(compute='_compute_sales_count_custom',string='90 Days Sale')
@api.depends('product_variant_ids.sales_count_custom') def_compute_sales_count_custom(self): for product inself: product.sales_count_custom =float_round(sum([p.sales_count_custom for p in product.with_context(active_test=False).product_variant_ids]),precision_rounding=product.uom_id.rounding) defaction_view_sales_custom(self): action =self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("sale.report_all_channels_sales_action") action['domain']=[('product_id','in',self.ids)] action['context']={ 'pivot_measures':['product_uom_qty'], 'active_id':self._context.get('active_id'), 'search_default_Sales':1, 'active_model':'sale.report', 'time_ranges':{'field':'date','range':'last_90_days'}, } return action
in view
<xpathexpr="//div[@name='button_box']"position="inside"> <buttonclass="oe_stat_button"name="action_view_sales_custom" type="object"icon="fa-bar-chart-o"groups="sales_team.group_sale_salesman"help="Sold in the last 90 days"attrs="{'invisible': [('sale_ok', '=', False)]}"> <divclass="o_field_widget o_stat_info"> <spanclass="o_stat_value"> <fieldname="sales_count_custom"widget="statinfo"nolabel="1"class="mr4"/> <fieldname="uom_name"/> span> <spanclass="o_stat_text">90 Daysspan> div> button> xpath>
it will work for 90 days. cheers . after looking at this , you can make 180 days one aswell.
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