Using V10 Community, I have just started receiving this error when attempting to confirm a sale:
Failed to render template <Template memory:7fba1a702bd0> using values {'format_amount': <function <lambda> at 0x7fba1f072de8>, 'object': mail.message(403,), 'ctx': {u'lang': u'en_US', u'hide_sale': True, u'tz': u'America/Chicago', u'uid': 1, u'params': {u'action': 243}, 'safe': True}, 'format_tz': <function <lambda> at 0x7fba1f072b18>, 'user': res.users(1,), 'format_date': <function <lambda> at 0x7fba1f072230>}
I have not changed any templates, this error message just started happening. It keeps me from moving a sale from a quotation to a sale also does not allow me to confirm a sale when in sales order (gives me the warning and sale then shows as a quote).
When searching for a solution on line everything I have found, related to this warning, involved e-mail templates (either someone creating a new one or an automated process).
Have no idea what could have changed to start causing this nor where to look to correct it, any ideas/direction would be appreciated.
Please update workers settings in odoo-server.conf file in server and then reboot OS. If you still have it the issue please update sale module that may fix your problem. Before upgrade check for partial installed modlues, if exist fix them first.
The issue seems to be with the Sale Order Notification Email (template). If in Quotation Templates/Default Template/Other Settings/ Confirmation Mail, I change to a different email template or leave it blank, I do not receive the error and the quotation will pass to sales order. However, I even when I deleted that template and import it back from an export of a back-up where it was working, I still get the same error.
Any Ideas?