I am building an API integration for customers of Odoo online, for which i have to retrieve the aged receivables. When fetching data from the model account.aged.receivable using xml-rpc, I get the error: KeyError: 'report_options’.
NodeJS code to reproduce the call:
import Odoo from 'async-odoo-xmlrpc';
const odoo = new Odoo({
url: {{url}},
db: {{db}},
username: {{username}},
password: {{password}},
await odoo.connect();
const receivables = await odoo.execute_kw('account.aged.receivable', 'search', [[]]);
Stack trace:
[ERROR] 11:59:29 Error: XML-RPC fault: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/addons/base/controllers/rpc.py", line 93, in xmlrpc_2
response = self._xmlrpc(service)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/addons/base/controllers/rpc.py", line 73, in _xmlrpc
result = dispatch_rpc(service, method, params)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/http.py", line 141, in dispatch_rpc
result = dispatch(method, params)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/service/model.py", line 41, in dispatch
res = fn(db, uid, *params)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/service/model.py", line 169, in execute_kw
return execute(db, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw or {})
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/service/model.py", line 94, in wrapper
return f(dbname, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/service/model.py", line 176, in execute
res = execute_cr(cr, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/service/model.py", line 160, in execute_cr
result = odoo.api.call_kw(recs, method, args, kw)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/api.py", line 457, in call_kw
result = _call_kw_model(method, model, args, kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/api.py", line 430, in _call_kw_model
result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/models.py", line 1812, in search
res = self._search(args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, count=count)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/models.py", line 4759, in _search
query = self._where_calc(args)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/saas-15.2/odoo/models.py", line 4517, in _where_calc
return Query(self.env.cr, self._table, self._table_query)
File "/home/odoo/src/enterprise/saas-15.2/account_reports/models/account_accounting_report.py", line 83, in _table_query
query = self._get_sql()
File "/home/odoo/src/enterprise/saas-15.2/account_reports/models/account_aged_partner_balance.py", line 95, in _get_sql
options = self.env.context['report_options']
KeyError: 'report_options'
Since self.env.context is being queried for ‘report_options’, I think something might be wrong with the configuration of the Odoo environment.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance!
const contextParam = {
'context': {
'report_options': {
'date': {
'date_from': 'YYYY-MM-DD',
'date_to': 'YYYY-MM-DD'
'account_type_aml_sign': -1
Unfortunately, the library async-odoo-xmlrpc does not support the extra paramater. A PR has been opened to add this in, but at the time of writing it is not yet merged.
I used the library xmlrpc, on which async-odoo-xmlrpc is based, directly to get the request to work in nodeJS, like so:
[db, uid, password, 'account.aged.receivable', 'search_read', [[]], contextParam],
(err, val) => {
// Handle response here