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I would like to expand the default number of listview items from 1-80 to 1-500 for all users.

Can anyone help?

Best Answer

You would need to increase the "Limit" value on all "Window Actions" (ir.actions.act_window).

The easiest way to do this in a batch is with a PostgreSQL command, but I'm not sure if that is available to you.

If it is, just run: 

UPDATE ir_actions_act_window SET limit = 500 WHERE limit = 80;

If you don't have the ability to run a database command, you may have to alter each record manually by doing these steps:

  1. Activate Odoo Developer Mode (

  2. Go to Settings > Technical > Actions > Window Actions

  3. Add custom filter: "Limit = 80"

  4. Update each record manually

You may be able to create and run a Server Action to do this for you, but I am not familiar enough with them to suggest a solution in that way.

Good luck!
