I am trying to bunch import a dozen of events from csv file for seperate dates with mainly equal properties.
While I have no problem importing the necessary text fields I just can't seem to find the exact format to import the chosen image displayed in the header/cover for the event, which results in an error message for the record_cover module.
Also I tried to set all events to be automatically confirmed, which does not seem to work either.
Is Published = 1 or Is Published = 0 both do not work for me.
How can I fix this problems in particular?
It would be great to have a guideline for importing events with sample data in the correct format.
Thanks in advance!
Is Published should work with TRUE or empty (FALSE was also not working for me in other imports) instead of 1/0.
But I don't know how to import pictures for the webite - sorry. Would be interesting to know.