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my problem es very simple (i think) i have an instalation of openerp 7.0 in a VM run with debian, and this work well into the VM and the host (with opensuse), if i open a browser and type ip:8069 works, but if i try open in other machine into the LAN don't work, only stay thinking, the log say:

2013-09-24 02:36:55,845 3997 INFO ? openerp.service.wsgi_server: HTTP service (werkzeug) running on

2013-09-24 02:36:55,867 3997 INFO ? openerp: OpenERP server is running, waiting for connections...

2013-09-24 02:47:25,992 3997 INFO sitec openerp.modules.loading: loading 1 modules...

2013-09-24 02:47:26,150 3997 INFO sitec openerp.modules.loading: loading 42 modules...

2013-09-24 02:47:26,666 3997 INFO sitec openerp.modules.loading: Modules loaded.

2013-09-24 02:47:26,751 3997 INFO sitec werkzeug: - - [24/Sep/2013 02:47:26] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

but no show the page. (the pc client work with windows 7)

is the same if i try connect from outside, and with browser into the android, only if i connect with gtk-client into the android work very well, but no from the browser, i don't understand.... i hope anyone have the answer

regards (sorry for my english)
