I open a point of sale, sell some products and then try to close it.
The point of sale does not close. Or if it closes it takes a very long time to close. I think it has something to do with the mexican accounting modules. Also it may be important to mention that we are using lot traceability in most of our products.
Here in our production system it takes at least 2 hours for the point of sale sessions that have few sales, and more than 6 hours for the point of sales sessions with more sales. Also the table account_move_line grows without control, it grows until it clogs the disk. It is around 10g.. But the number or registers in the table does not grow, just the disk space that the table is using. I think this is because the postgresql temp files. The problem is that if the transactions does not finish, due to odoo closing the process, because of time limits, or any other reason, the temp files remain in the table
This causes a situation where it clogs the database server, and the disk
space quickly. The database grows without control. To control these we
are backing up the database, every few days, and then uploading it
again. If you do this, the database shrinks to its normal size, for
example the .zip file generated by odoo, when backing up the database,
is around 20MB.
Currently to workaround the problem we are creating a lot of users to create new point of sales each day, and also trying to close some sessions, leaving the server to work at night. Also it is not possible to close two sessions at the same time as we get a psycopg
"error: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block."
We are running the server with time limits for the odoo process next to 10 hours, which i personally consider a little bit ridiculous, but we have to do it, since we are trying to close the sessions during the night.
We have the theory that it may be lot related, or something about the mexican accounting module. Any ideas on how to solver the issue, or find a better workaound?
Any way to stop the database from growing?
Odoo enterprise version 11, Postgresql 10.0. Debian 9.
We have 5 effective users, but a lot of inactive accounts now due to this error.
The hardware is The server is: 4 Cores AMD, 8 GB ram, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU. W3565 @ 3.20GHz. It has 2 SSD of 120 G in RAID 1 of software.So I do not think it is a performance problem.