I'm not a professional and I'm trying to get used to Oddo which is not easy :-( But it's definitely worth it :-)
Since it seems that you need some knowledge about programming and databases to create and edit reports (quotations, invoices etc.) I wanted to make things a bit easier for myself and install an app that makes things easier for me:
Odoo Professional Report Templates
I have installed Oddo12 (on a UCS server from the App Store) I have completed the basic setup. When I try to import the app I get an error.
Error while importing module 'bi_professional_reports_templates': 'Fehler während der Constraint-Validierung\n\nDas Feld `account_template` existiert nicht\n\nFehler Kontext:\nAnsicht `res_company_inherit.inherit_form_view`\n[view_id: 1212, xml_id: k. A., model: res.company, parent_id: 98]\nNone\n<record id="res_company_custom_inherit_form_view" model="ir.ui.view">\n <field name="name">res_company_inherit.inherit_form_view</field>\n <field name="model">res.company</field>\n <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_company_form"/>\n <field name="type">form</field>\n <field name="arch" type="xml">\n <field name="parent_id" position="after">\n <group colspan="2" col="2">\n <field name="sale_template"/>\n <field name="purchase_template"/>\n <field name="account_template"/>\n <field name="stock_template"/>\n </group>\n </field>\n </field>\n </record>\n/tmp/tmpf6eq9cpv/bi_professional_reports_templates/res_company.xml\n5'
Apparently, fields are missing in my database. The question is only why?n the app's website the dependencies are mentioned:
- Inventory (stock)
- Invoicing (account)
- purchase (purchase)
- Sales (sales_management)
I have installed these. How can I solve the problem?
with best