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I have Odoo v9 installed in CentOS7 on a remote server.  I copied the Ecommerce Catalog without price module folder to the addons folder, activated developer mode, updated module list, clicked on install that module.  I get this error posted below and if I come back to the apps that module shows up as "Installing".

Error details:Element '<xpath expr="//del[@class='text-danger mr8']">' cannot be located in parent view

Error context:View `Suggested Products Without Catalog Price`[view_id: 924, xml_id: n/a, model: n/a, parent_id: 894]None" while parsing None:23, near<data inherit_id="website_sale.cart_lines" name="Suggested Products Without Catalog Price"> <xpath expr="//del[@class='text-danger mr8']" position="replace"> <field name="text-danger" invisible="1" nolabel="1"/> </xpath> </data> 
Here is the code for the xml view being installed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><openerp> <data>
        <template id="products_item" inherit_id="website_sale.products_item" name="Shop Without Catalog Price"> <xpath expr="//del[@class='text-danger mr8']" position="replace"> <field name="text-danger" invisible="1" nolabel="1"/> </xpath> </template>
        <template id="cart" inherit_id="website_sale.cart_lines" name="Shopping Cart Without Catalog Price"> <xpath expr="//del[@t-field='line.product_id.lst_price']" position="replace"> <field name="text-danger" invisible="1" nolabel="1"/> </xpath> </template>
        <template id="product_price" inherit_id="website_sale.product_price" name="Product Page Without Catalog Price"> <xpath expr="//span[@class='text-danger oe_default_price']" position="replace"> <field name="text-danger oe_default_price" invisible="1" nolabel="1"/> </xpath> </template>
        <template id="suggested_products_list" inherit_id="website_sale.cart_lines" name="Suggested Products Without Catalog Price"> <xpath expr="//del[@class='text-danger mr8']" position="replace"> <field name="text-danger" invisible="1" nolabel="1"/> </xpath> </template>

      <template id="modal_cart" inherit_id="website_sale_options.modal" name="Modal Cart Without Catalog Price"> <xpath expr="//span[@t-attf-class='text-danger oe_default_price']" position="replace"> <field name="text_danger oe_default_price" invisible="1" nolabel="1"/> </xpath> <xpath expr="//span[@class='text-danger oe_optional']" position="replace"> <field name="text-danger oe_optional" invisible="1" nolabel="1"/> </xpath> </template> </data></openerp>

Here is the if-statement:

Best Answer

Did you install before?

Please check the dependencies in the file:

 'name': 'eCommerce Without Catalog Price',
 'version': '',
 'depends': [ 'website_sale', 'website_sale_options',],
 'author': 'Roberto Barreiro',
 'website': '',
 'summary': 'Hides catalog price',
 "description": """ Hides catalog price on shop and shopping cart.
 'category': 'eCommerce',
 'sequence': 10,
 'data': [ 'views/website_sale_hide_catalog_price.xml',],
 'installable': True,
 'auto_install': False,
 'application': False,

Do you see the inherited view website_sale.suggested_products_list here:

Then you should check the t-if statement here:


Yes, ive posted images.


Yes I also posted the image for the Views/ShoppingCart and the website_sale.suggested_products_list does show up


yup, its there...i posted the image


Hello? :-)

Now you are on your own. Your error message tells you that the xpath node "//del[@class='text-danger mr8']" is not present. After all other checks, the only possible reason is the evaluation of this t-if statement. If it is not true, the xpath node will not be there.


Ok just to clarify, the problem is with this if statement which is evaluating to false. And that means that product_lst.price-product.price > 0.1?

compute_currency(product.lst_price) to be exactly. This is my assumption based on your information.


Well all my products have a default price of 1 which is what the system assigns. I did create pricelist based on cost & markup because I need to know what the prices are for the products I sell. I just dont want the website to display them because the prices change constantly.


Ok Im looking through the database but cannot find any table called product.lst_price. Presumably the website_sale table would contain it but I cant find the website_sale table either.