Without knowing what a "contra-account" is, we set all Accounts in the Journal to EUR, to no avail :(
One of the strange things is that Accounting > Settings don't save, instead throw following error.
File "/home/v9devblaze/odoo/openerp/addons/account/models/res_config.py", line 169, in onchange_company_id
self.default_sale_tax_id = isinstance(taxes_id, list) and taxes_id[0] or taxes_id
IndexError: list index out of range
Consequently the Accounting > Settings > Default Company Currency loads empty.
Update 1:
We managed to resolve the empty Default company currency issue, which seems to be unrelated to the invoice-validation problem, by removing the following user-default of taxes_id (from Settings > Technical > User-defined Default, in Dev-Mode):
Going by this video from an older OpenERP version https://youtu.be/1EZ2HwJ7j80, there used to be such a field called Secondary Currency. Does the concept of Secondary Currency for Journal Accounts still exist in odoo9, especially for single-currency setups?
If this is the "Contra-Account" as Erwin Trevisan suggested, where can Contra-Accounts be manipulated?
Thank you in advance..
Update 2
Following Erwin's advise, we removed the mention of EUR currency on the related Accounts (specifically 3: 101200 Accounts Receivable, 111200 Current Liabilities, 200000 Product Sales). That got rid of the original error about "Secondary currency..".