Hi guys,
I am triying to integrate Payflow to Odoo, because now, Paypal does not accept REST API.
In the first step, when I send account information and tokenid to Payflowpro test server to generate a token, I get an error RESULT=1&RESPMSG=User authentication failed
I am sure that the account information is correct. So I dont know why I get it.
token = uuid.uuid4().hex
url = 'https://pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com'
values = {
'PARTNER' : 'PayPal',
'USER' : 'MyUser',
'PWD' : 'MyPassword',
'TRXTYPE' : 'S',
'AMT' : '141',
'TENDER': 'C',
respone = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(values), timeout=5)
I try usng curl to send the message and it works well. I also try to use HTML form with action, and it works well too.
So, why did my Python code get this error? Please help!