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2 Replies


I'm asking this with little hope,  but I'll give it a shot.

Here is my scenario: I need to register a payment from a client; both the account and journal have USD as secondary currency (default currency is CRC) and before someone ask the pricelist for this client is in USD as well.

When I try to make a payment I get the warning "Error: The selected account of your Journal Entry forces to provide a secondary currency. You should remove the secondary currency on the account or select a multi-currency view on the journal".

I Checked everything several times. I had the problem before but by removing any secondary currency, normally fixed the problem; HOWEVER this time I need my secondary currency which I previously setup in accounting confuguration, and yes, I enabled multicurrency.

Thanks in advance.

Author Best Answer

Ok the problem was the secondary currency in an account involved in the payment process... the exchange loss-gain account. So when anyone get this problem, it is probably a good idea to check all accounts for incorrect  or misplaced secondary currencies.

Best Answer

Chart of Account > Go to your account that you get error > Look for Account Currency > Remove currency if it is same as company currency. It can only be different currency than your company default currency. NOTE: If you cant see account currency in chart of account > the account form, it is because it is HIDDEN in form view. You need to edit the form and make it visible.
