Hello everyone, I have the following Error,
Error: QWeb2 - template['ListView.rows']: Runtime Error: Error: QWeb2 - template['ListView.row']: Runtime Error: Error: Campo desconocido state en el dominio [["state","in",["draft"]]]
this is the view code:
<group col="2" colspan="2">
<field name="id_orden_servicio" />
and in a .py file.
state = fields.Selection([('draft', 'draft')], default='draft')
id_orden_servicio = fields.Many2one("dfsismet_orden_servicio", onupdate='cascade', ondelete='cascade', string="Orden Servicio", index=True, required=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', True)]}, domain="""[('state','!=','Calibracion'), ('id_calibrar_orden', '=', False),('instrumento_tipo','=','1')]""")
Thanks a lot.