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Hi, I'm trying to port custom modules to OpenERP 7 but I am encountering a module trying to import web.common. I understand that this folder is not in v7 anymore. Does anyone know how I can rewrite this module so it can be installed to v7? here is the affected code:

try: # embedded from openerp.addons.web import common import openerp.addons.web.common.http as openerpweb from openerp.addons.web.controllers.main import Reports except ImportError: # standalone from web import common import web.common.http as openerpweb from web.controllers.main import Reports

class custom_class_name(inherited_class_name):

class PrintOutFileName(Reports): # URL defined in addons/custom_module/static/src/views.js _cp_path = "/fs3_web_printout/report"

def index(self, req, action, token):
    action = simplejson.loads(action)

    report_srv = req.session.proxy("report")
    context = req.session.eval_context(
            req.context or {}, action[ "context"]))

    report_data = {}
    report_ids = context["active_ids"]
    if 'report_type' in action:
        report_data['report_type'] = action['report_type']
    if 'datas' in action:
        if 'ids' in action['datas']:
            report_ids = action['datas'].pop('ids')

I hope you can help me find another way to import what is needed by the code in web.common. Thank you!
