I have tried to install Odoo 9, and I get an internal server error. When I check the log I see the error:
File "/opt/odoo/odoo_9_devel/src/OCA/OCB/addons/website_portal_sale/controllers/main.py", line 7, in <module>
from openerp.addons.website_portal.controllers.main import website_account
I did not any change in the modules code or added any weird module. The class website_account exists in the main.py of the folder controllers of the module website_portal.
If I remove website_portal_sale from the addons path, and restart Odoo 9, I get exactly the same error, this time provoked by website_sale_digital.
If I remove website_sale_digital, Odoo 9 is executed fine.
The problem is that I want to install e-commerce modules and they depend on website_portal_sale and website_sale_digital.
How can I fix this problem?