I am trying to setup a local 'test' environment that is a copy of a cloud based database (Version 9.0c-20160802).
I have downloaded and installed Odoo successfully, backed up from the cloud database, and restored to local test database, all apparently successfully...
When I try to access the restored database, I get:
"Could not get content for /material_backend_theme_v9/static/src/less/variables.less defined in bundle 'web.assets_backend.'
Could not get content for /material_backend_theme_v9/static/src/less/bootswatch.less defined in bundle 'web.assets_backend.'
Could not get content for /material_backend_theme_v9/static/src/less/style.less defined in bundle 'web.assets_backend.'"
The 'Dashboard - Sales Pipeline' screen displayed does not show any apps, when I click on 'App' button, it does nothing. Clicking on the other links will bring up sales pipeline screens, but there is no access to any of the other modules that are actually setup on the cloud database...?
What can I do about this error, or what else might I do, to complete successful setup of 'test' copy of cloud database?