After upgrading from version 6.1.012 to version 6.1.015 in the bills customers accounting module the following error:
014-08-12 19:51:19,027 20139 ERROR ? openerp.osv.orm: Can't find field 'refund_
nvoices_description' in the following view parts composing the view of object m
del 'account.invoice':
* Account invoice (customer) | add Refunds details (form)
ither you wrongly customized this view, or some modules bringing those views ar
not compatible with your current data model
014-08-12 19:51:19,029 20139 ERROR ? openerp.netsvc: View error
an't find field 'refund_invoices_description' in the following view parts compo
ing the view of object model 'account.invoice':
* Account invoice (customer) | add Refunds details (form)