Is it possible to do inline editing in a table in an embedded view?
I have tried this (see below), and it still opens a new window (form) when I try to edit a record.
Please help.
<field name="litho_Point_Id" widget="one2many_list" mode="tree" >
<tree editable="bottom" create="false" delete="false">
<field nolabel="1" name="my_sequence" invisible="1" />
<field string="$Record\ Id$" name="Record_Id" invisible="1" />
<field string="$Point\ Id$" required="1" name="Point_Id" />
<field string="$Layer\ Id$" name="Layer_Id" />
<field string="$Description$" readonly="1" name="description" />
<field string="${Depth}_{top}$" readonly="1" name="Depth_top" />
<field string="${Depth}_{bot}$" required="1" name="Depth_bot" />
<field string="${Elev}_{top}$" readonly="1" name="Elev_top" />
<field string="${Elev}_{bot}$" readonly="1" name="Elev_bot" invisible="1" />
<field string="$Graph\ Id$" name="Graph_Id" />
<field string="$Geo-Material\ Id$" name="Geo_Mat_Id" />
<field string="$Geo\ Id$" name="Geo_Unit_Id" />
<field string="$Ignore?$" name="IGNORE" />
<field string="${Analysis}_{Id}$" name="Analysis_Id" invisible="1" />
<field string="${Opened}$" name="Opened" invisible="1" />
version Odoo ?
What is the type of your field litho_Point_Id which should be named litho_point_id without upper by convention?
I suppose a One2many, in this case field name should be litho_point_ids by convention, in this case no need to use widget="one2many_list", a list will be displayed by default. No need to use mode="tree" in your first code line too, because you are using already a widget which display a list and you are using the bottom attributes.
Try to use the minimum of code/attributes, instead to use too much code/attributes.