I have configured both incoming and outgoing mail server. Using scheduler i have fetched the unread message from the inbox(configured gmail account), and i can able to forward the mail to the concern person for eg(lead and opportunity) and i can reply from the created object. And i recived the mail in gmail inbox, but the problem is while i try to reply for that mail i cant able to recieve......It is taking To address as catchall@gmail.com.....please anyone give me suggestion......Thanks in advance...........
yes i got same problem, but dnt know solution.
Yes Ramanan there is some problem, i dont know why its automatically assigning the reply email is as catchall.......
If you reply to an Odoo message, the reply is send to catchall@... (your domain). you can changes this adres: Settings -> Parameters -> system parameters -> edit 'mail.catchall.alias' You should setup a gmail adres for that: yournewcatchall@gmail.com, and set the value there.
Thank you Mathais, but did you tell me how to configure our gmail to catchall address...i am stuck with that....Thanks in advance...
We've made an interface to solve the trouble of connection - https://www.slideshare.net/SerpentcsConsulting/odoo-webemail-interface. Take a look.