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Morning, I would like to make an entire column of a one2many editable so that the user do not have to edit the related one2many lines by clicking on each line, one by one, and set the value of one field in the pop up update wizard.

So he should be able to edit directly in the one2many list table. Is it possible, how to achieve that.

Best Answer

What you want is - as far as I know - not possible.
But: You can achieve something very similar.

<tree string="Your Tree" editable="bottom">

Makes your one2many field editable in the list view. (also available: editable="top")

To make a column uneditable use the readonly tag:

<tree string="Your Tree" editable="top">
    <field name="your_field1" readonly="1"/>
    <field name="your_field2"/>       
    <field name="your_field3" readonly="1"/>

This only field2 will be editable.


I would have liked to make only one column editable and if possible for this particular view (when appearing as a one2many). Is it possible? However what you have given work, just, it makes all the column editable.

Updated my answer.

Hope this helps.


it helps thanks.