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I'm want to edit the payment widget on invoices.

I'm talking about the lines that is saying "paid on dd/mm/yyyy 1000€".

I would like to have the payment method in this line, like this "paid on dd/mm/yyyy credit card 1000€".

How could I edit it with Odoo studio or with a custom module please ?

I'm using Odoo SH v16.

Thank you all for your help in advance !


Best Answer


Hi Aymerick,

The 'paid on dd/mm/yyyy' information is a component of a widget referred to as 'payment'. If you find it necessary to make modifications to this aspect, it's advisable to utilize a custom module designed for inheriting the widget view known as 'account.AccountPaymentField'. Here's a sample approach:


<t t-inherit='account.AccountPaymentField'>

    <xpath expr='//i[hasclass('o_payment_label')]' position='replace'>

        <i class="o_field_widget text-start o_payment_label">Paid on <t t-esc="">Credit Card</t></i>



Please keep in mind that adjustments might be required depending on the version of Odoo you're working with. If you encounter any difficulties or require further assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

Hope it helps
