i'm using odoo 13 and after deleting and adding some new ecommerce categories, the shop stopped and what i see is the following:
It is compaining that a category does not exist and it is true but i dont understand where it is used.
Error message:
Error to render compiling AST MissingError: ('Record does not exist or has been deleted.\n(Record: product.public.category(231,), User: 4)', None) Template: website_sale.option_collapse_categories_recursive Path: /t/li/a Node: <a t-att-href="keep('/shop/category/' + slug(c), category=0)" t-attf-class="nav-link #{'active' if c.id == category.id else ''}" t-field="c.name"/>The error occured while rendering the template
and evaluating the following expression:<a t-att-href="keep('/shop/category/' + slug(c), category=0)" t-attf-class="nav-link #{'active' if c.id == category.id else ''}" t-field="c.name"/>
Hello evald,
Is this on the whole shop website or at a specific URL. If it is at a specific URL could you share the URL please?