i have two domaine name,
installed odoo9 (http://www.odoo.yenthevg.com/installing-odoo-9-ubuntu-16-04/),
configured odoo-server.conf file (i spécified xmlrpc-port=8069 and xmlrpcs-port=8090),
installed apache2, created two vhost, firstodoodomain.com.conf with 8069 port and secondodoodomain.com.conf with 8090),
in the manage i created two database firstodoodomain and secondodoodomain.
when i enter in the Navigator www.firstodoodomain.com it show the two database selector (firstodoodomain and secondodoodomain) and it done the same think when i type www.seconddomain.com.
i want that when i enter www.firstodoodomain.com the selection of database in the manage select automatically(fistodoodomain).
and how can i spécify the second, third port if i want two other domain.
Thank's for help me please.