Hi does anyone know what i have to modify to group my contacts by Tag?
I tried to edit the search view. But get an Error. The tag field is call category_id.
but when i add a line in the search view like:
<group expand="0" name="group_by" string="Group By">
<filter name="salesperson" string="Salesperson" domain="[]" context="{'group_by' : 'user_id'}"/>
<filter string="Company" context="{'group_by': 'parent_id'}"/>
<filter string="Country" context="{'group_by': 'country_id'}"/>
<filter string="Tag" context="{'group_by': 'category_id'}"/>
I get the error
AssertionError: Fields in 'groupby' must be regular database-persisted fields (no function or related fields), or function fields with store=True