I'd like to add a field to the default view of the product grid in our ecommerce shop. It displays an image, description, and price for the item in the square. I would like to add the item's SKU in this grid square. Has anyone done this before with success?
V15 & Clarico Theme.
This what I have so far. It displays the SKU of the first product in a variant, but not subsequent variants. For testing, I get it to display the Variant ID SKU. The Variant ID changes each time I choose a variant, but the SKU displays only the first one.
I'm in the Customize/HTML in Website, on Product; i.e. Template ID: website_sale.product
I've highlighted in red and bolded what I've changed.
Google Drive link for a pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UhrKe8Atoc0Ym_0gxkl-moY4LyFvFbyX/view?usp=sharing