I have 3 custom models (model_one,model_one_line and model_two)
In my model_one, I have a tree view that displays the o2m field which data are from the model_one_line (model_one is o2m to model_one_line and model_one_line is m2o to model_one).
The data from the model_one_line were fetched from stock.move, Now I displayed The o2m field of model_one(product,pcs,kgs,amount), in every product there's a corresponding customers who bought it.
So I created the model_two which is for customer for every product (model_one_line is o2m to model_two and model_two is m2o of model_one_line * I added these fields on model_two and model_one_line), I want to when I click a row from model_one, a new tree view appeared and displayed the customers based on the product of the row I clicked,
How can I achieved this?I already have the view for the model_two and it's already displays nothing for now. This is my first time encounter a task o2m inside a o2m.